
Because I don't want to be sued or anything like that, here's a relatively short and hopefully painless disclaimer. I've written this with my own voice so it can actually be understandable.

throughpinayeyes.blogspot.com is my personal blog, an online diary of sorts (or whatever you wanna call it) purely for entertainment purposes and informational (on some occassions)... that's if you do learn something from here.

Everything in Through Pinay Eyes are based my personal experiences and my opinions and from my point of view. If I'll be working with affiliates in the future (there's none yet as of this writing), it won't reflect any of their's. I won't be making any official statements on their behalf either.

As far as I know, the contents are accurate and true. Although sometimes, there might be lapses, errors or mistakes that will go unnoticed. It can't be helped.

I am not a professional. I'm not a doctor, a lawyer, a licensed therapist or an accountant. I am just a self-proclaimed love guru (yes, I'm kidding). So please don't take any of my advices as legal or  professional advice. You'll get in trouble if you bet your life on something I've said or written in here. Again, this blog was made with the sole intention of entertaining people.

With that said, I can change anything in here without prior notice. Because, I reserve the right on how I manage or run this blog.

Kapeesh? Good!